39 B, Kommunistichesky Pr
Reception: 424613, 429615
Fax: 422099
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Institute "Sakhalingrazhdanproject" has been performing activities in design work market of Sakhalin Region for more than 40 years. Our company started its work in 1958, July, first as "Sakhalingiproprom" performing design of fishery, paper and woodworking industry facilities, reconstruction of coal mines and development of sea ports and oil-extracting enterprises.

Expanding potential of Sakhalin Region is subject to significant increase of scope of design and survey works as well as specialization and enlargement of design companies under the priority design of residential and public facilities. In association with the above in November of 1965 Institute "Sakhalingiproprom" was reorganized into institute "Sakhalingrazhdanproject" of design and civil construction, planning and development of towns and communities in Sakhalin oblast.

Within recent 40 years, the image of Sakhalin towns has been fundamentally improved. Large housing estates with developed infrastructure and public services have been erected in place of wastelands and barracks.

Practically all residential estates in Sakhalin Region and many public, civil and agricultural-purpose buildings as well as in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk were constructed in accordance with designs developed by the experts from the Institute. Today it is hard to imagine the regional centre without such buildings as the "Oktyabr" cinema, "Dom Torgovli", "Dom Politprosvescheniya" (now it belongs to Institute of Economics and Oriental Studies of Sakhalin State University), Regional Duma building and many, many others.

Developments that effected on society in late 80-ies - early 90-ies could not but touch our Institute. New organizational legal forms as well as new work performance procedures, extension of services range and new technical equipment standard were required. Therefore in 1992 the Institute was reorganized into Joint Stock Company.

The long respectable list of main clients says for itself: Capital Construction Department of Sakhalin Region Administration, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk Administration and other regional towns, "Sakhalin Energy Investment Company Ltd", "Exxon Neftegas Ltd", Sakhalin Railway, Management Team of "The Kurils" Federal Program and others. According to the results of design and surveys activities provided by different companies acting in the Russian Federation in 2000 JSC Institute "Sakhalingrazhdanproject" took 24th position in the list of 110 leading Russian design companies.

The Institute improves design technologies on the regular basis, implements computerized design techniques and the Institute is equipped with the modern series of Pentium personal computers; scanners; printers and plotters; software for construction, sanitary, ecological and estimate calculations and graphical operations for all design areas. 128-port local computer network allows managing automated technological complex for design performance.

The basis for the Institute allowing its efficient work and development is the stable qualified personnel with great experience in all fields of designing and construction of civil, industrial, agricultural and public facilities.

Engineering and technical personnel of the Institute consists of 139 employees including but not limited with 6 chief project engineers and 24 differently-skilled chief specialists. High qualification of engineering and technical personnel is proved by the following data:

  • 1 specialist has a science degree of a candidate of engineering sciences;
  • 4 specialists have personal architectural licenses;
  • 60 specialists have competence certificates of the RF Gosstroy;
  • 8 specialists were awarded a "RF honorable designer" badge.

Experience and professionalism are the main components of the Institute's success today and the foundation that allows us to look forward with confidence.

The plans of the Institute for the nearest future are as follows:

  • further extension of the above proposed services;
  • enlargement of scope of work;
  • progress of effective activities due to further modernization of computer-managed designing and implementation of new software support;
  • training of entrants;
  • completion of quality control system development in compliance with international certificates ISO-9000;
  • improvement of personnel social safety level.






Phone: 722-311
Fax: 722-640
Address: 65, Pogranichnaya St., Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk
E-mail: tssakh@karafuto.ru
Web: www.tssakhalin.net

Sakhalin Energy Investment Company Ltd.
Phone: 732-000
Fax: 732-012
Address: 35 Dzerzhinskogo St., Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk
Web: www.sakhalinenergy.com

Exxon Neftegas Limited
Reception: 727-160, 727-161, 727-162, 678-800
Fax: 462-630
Address: 80 Pushkina St., Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk
Web: www.sakhalin1.ru
Web: www.sakhalin1.com

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